If you have the privilege to have ground where the pigs can feed,
you can reduce the feeding process to a quarter of origanal feeding costs.

I bought a Gallaghar Power Plus B180 shock machine at my Agri in Caledon and 500m shock wire.
The shock machine works great but what I found is that the "droppers" are very expensive
and I also need a lot of work to do the shock wires.
My solution was to make my own and I did it by taking 1.8m poles
and cutting them into 600mm pieces. I then pushed the poles into building blocks and
screwed two insulators into it. I spread the building blocks (which are now my border posts) 10 meters apart in a straight line.
The pigs get used to it and getting them in and out of the camps is getting easier.
The advantage of the method is that the camps can easily be moved
and the camp with 500m shock rope is equipped for 15000sq meters of grazing.

their body has changed significantly positively.
My ground has lucerne, clover and grass.
Here are the costs:

Gallaghar Power Plus B180 shock machine R2400.00
Building block R10.00 ($1.50)
Pale cut in 600mm R20.00 ($3.00)
Isolators R0.99 ($0.13)
It's a quick process to set it up and I only feed 25% of my normal costs.
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